It's Time to Go Wireless
/Previous end zone camera systems designed for filming sports like football, baseball and soccer included either an electronic head with wired controls or a manual pulley. These features allowed operators to move the endzone camera (pan and tilt) to follow the game around the field.
While these technologies were effective for end zone cameras, they also had several limiting characteristics. Luckily, thanks to major advancements in wireless technology, camera operators no longer require these old fashioned systems. The benefits of new wireless technologies wash away any reason for sticking to manually controlled end zone camera.
Many sports teams have difficulty assembling and maintaining the cables that connect end zone cameras to the electronics at the base of the camera tower. Regardless of brand or model, this characteristic of traditional end zone cameras has always been a concern. Longer and thicker cables are particularly prone to wear and tear.
By switching to a wireless end zone camera, only a single ethernet cable running the length of the tower is required. When this is used to supplement the advanced wireless technologies available today, a far more reliable system is achieved. Solid wireless connections and fewer electronics affords coaches and camera operators more peace of mind.
Comfortable Filming
The most common end zone cameras today include robotic pan and tilt heads that are controlled via a wired joystick connection at the base of the end zone camera tower. This technology allows end zone camera operators the freedom to sit comfortably at field-level rather than constantly adjusting the manual pulleys that angle the end zone cameras. Even still, these end zone camera operators are required to sit or stand on or near the field regardless of weather conditions.
Using an iPad-controlled Wireless systems disposes of these limitations. Now end zone camera operators may control their cameras from the comfort (and better angle) of their press box or other sheltered areas of the stadium.
Camera Control
Manual pulley-system end zone cameras attract users looking for the highest level of end zone camera control and precision. However, most sports filmed with end zone camera towers do not require this level of precision.
So how to joy stick controlled and iPad controlled end zone cameras compare? It should be no surprise that the iPad affords the end zone camera operator a greater variety of control options with an equal response time. The connection of some new end zone cameras is so excellent that the lab between camera and iPad screen is identical to the timing of monitor and joystick pads. Widely adjustable speed sensitivities give camera operators more options and preferences to film the game just the way they need.
Set Up and Tear Down
When considering new wireless end zone camera systems, many teams are concerned they will encounter additional pieces and parts that require assembly, maintenance, etc. non-existent in traditional end zone camera systems. However, depending on the wireless system purchased, coaches and end zone camera operators may likely end up with even fewer pieces and parts. Even if this isn’t the case, assembling the pieces of a wireless end zone camera system is significantly easier than the traditional end zone camera systems. Further, these wireless parts are less to pack and transport, less fragile and easy to connect.
Convertibility to Replay
The biggest reason coaches and teams should be considering a new wireless end zone camera is the opportunity to incorporate or transform they end zone camera systems into a sideline instant replay system. These technologies will allow coaches and players to review gameplay instantly rather than waiting till the game ends.